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23 April 2024

Sized, DynSized, and Unsized

Extern types have been blocked for an unreasonably long time on a fairly narrow, specialized question: Rust today divides all types into two categories — sized, whose size can be statically computed, and unsized, whose size can only be computed at runtime. But for external types what we really want is a third category, types whose size can never be known, even at runtime (in C, you can model this by defining structs with an unknown set of fields).

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5 April 2024

Ownership in Rust

Ownership is an important concept in Rust — but I’m not talking about the type system. I’m talking about in our open source project. One of the big failure modes I’ve seen in the Rust community, especially lately, is the feeling that it’s unclear who is entitled to make decisions. Over the last six months or so, I’ve been developing a project goals proposal, which is an attempt to reinvigorate Rust’s roadmap process — and a key part of this is the idea of giving each goal an owner.

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4 March 2024

Borrow checking without lifetimes

This blog post explores an alternative formulation of Rust’s type system that eschews lifetimes in favor of places. The TL;DR is that instead of having 'a represent a lifetime in the code, it can represent a set of loans, like shared(a.b.c) or mut(x). If this sounds familiar, it should, it’s the basis for polonius, but reformulated as a type system instead of a static analysis. This blog post is just going to give the high-level ideas. In follow-up posts I’ll dig into how we can use this to support interior references and other advanced borrowing patterns. In terms of implementation, I’ve mocked this up a bit, but I intend to start extending a-mir-formality to include this analysis.

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3 January 2024

What I'd like to see for Async Rust in 2024 🎄

Well, it’s that time of year, when thoughts turn to…well, Rust of course. I guess that’s every time of year. This year was a pretty big year for Rust, though I think a lot of what happened was more in the vein of “setting things up for success in 2024”. So let’s talk about 2024! I’m going to publish a series of blog posts about different aspects of Rust I’m excited about, and what I think we should be doing. To help make things concrete, I’m going to frame the 2024 by using proposed project goals – basically a specific piece of work I think we can get done this year. In this first post, I’ll focus on async Rust.

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7 December 2023

Being Rusty: Discovering Rust's design axioms

To your average Joe, being “rusty” is not seen as a good thing.1 But readers of this blog know that being Rusty – with a capitol R! – is, of course, something completely different! So what is that makes Rust Rust? Our slogans articulate key parts of it, like fearless concurrency, stability without stagnation, or the epic Hack without fear. And there is of course Lindsey Kuper’s epic haiku: “A systems language / pursuing the trifecta: / fast, concurrent, safe”. But I feel like we’re still missing a unified set of axioms that we can refer back to over time and use to guide us as we make decisions. Some of you will remember the Rustacean Principles, which was my first attempt at this. I’ve been dissatisfied with them for a couple of reasons, so I decided to try again. The structure is really different, so I’m calling it Rust’s design axioms. This post documents the current state – I’m quite a bit happier with it! But it’s not quite there yet. So I’ve also got a link to a repository where I’m hoping people can help improve them by opening issues with examples, counter-examples, or other thoughts.

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28 November 2023

Project Goals

Lately I’ve been iterating on an idea I call project goals. Project goals are a new kind of RFC that defines a specific goal that a specific group of people hope to achieve in a specific amount of time – for example, “Rusty Spoon Corp proposes to fund 2 engineers full time to stabilize collections that support custom memory allocations by the end of 2023”.

Project goals would also include asks from various teams that are needed to complete the goal. For example, “Achieving this goal requires a dedicated reviewer from the compiler team along with an agreement from the language design team to respond to RFCs or nominated issues within 2 weeks.” The decision of whether to accept a goal would be up to those teams who are being asked to support it. If those teams approve the RFC, it means they agree with the goal, and also that they agree to commit those resources.

My belief is that project goals become a kind of incremental, rolling roadmap, declaring our intent to fix specific problems and then tracking our follow-through (or lack thereof). As I’ll explain in the post, I believe that a mechanism like project goals will help our morale and help us to get shit done, but I also think it’ll help with a bunch of other ancillary problems, such as providing a clearer path to get involved in Rust as well as getting more paid maintainers and contributors.

At the moment, project goals are just an idea. My plan is to author some sample goals to iron out the process and then an RFC to make it official.

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